Picture of Clara Hori Written by Clara Hori
on January 30, 2020

We recently published Ron Shevlin's latest report, The Roadmap to Personalization in Banking.  Ron is the Director of Research at Cornerstone Advisors and is ranked among the top FinTech influencers globally. Inspired by this report, we created a series of four infographics on the topics we liked most.

Here's the fourth and last infographic The Balancing Act.

According to Ron, "the future of personalization will be a balancing act between the capabilities provided by emerging technologies (in particular, artificial intelligence, or AI) and the fears—real or imagined—of the impact of personalization on consumers and society as a whole."

To read more about how to value can overcome concerns, make sure you download his complete research.

Personalization: The balancing act for Financial Institutions

Like it? Then you will love Ron Shevlin's complete report.

Download Complete Report


Missed the earlier infographics?

⬅️ The Three Personalization Dilemmas Infographic (part 1)

⬅️ A New Definition for Personalization Infographic (part 2)

⬅️ The Five Steps of the Roadmap to Personalization Infographic (part 3)



Image credits: Prisma Campaigns